
Open Interviews

interessant, was ich da bei BL Ochman lese:

Mark Cuban [ein junger US-Milliardär], the technology billionaire, caused a sea change in journalism when he used his blog to show the email exchanges between him and New York Times business reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin, last summer, for a column about Cuban’s investment in an Internet company. Cuban didn’t like Sorkin’s column, and, when Sorkin’s notes were published, it was not hard to see why. Since then, several Times reporters, as well as reporters at BusinessWeek and other major media have begun to experiment with open source journalism, running their interview notes as well as their stories. Cuban had a remarkable impact on dead-tree journalism, and he’s about to change the rules again.

Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.