
SFWeekly über Newmark (Craigslist) und sein neues Projekt (Citizen Journalism)

über und seinen äußerst ungewöhnlichen Inhaber Craig Newmark habe ich ja vor wenigen Tagen etwas geschrieben.

Die bietet eine wunderbare Story auf 9 Screenseiten (!) zu Newmark und seinem neuem Vorhaben, Craig$ :

The much-loved Web site is taking millions from Bay Area newspapers and causing layoffs that adversely affect coverage. And its founder’s well-intentioned support of citizen journalism has a slim chance of fixing the problem… There’s an e-mail from his nutritionist, who has analyzed data from the pedometer that inhabits Newmark’s pocket. „Over the course of two-thirds of the year, I averaged 8,300 steps a day,“ Newmark says, „but in the last two weeks, I averaged 9,800.“ His sense of humor is so dry, it’s unclear whether he is actually proud of this, and if he is aware that reciting it makes him sound like Rain Man. It’s hard to believe this is the Craig Newmark, the Robin Hood of the Internet, who’s now sending shock waves through the newspaper industry and becoming a major voice in a movement to reshape the media.

Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.

1 Kommentar

  • via Jeff Jarvis:

    Craig invested in the news startup Jeff Jarvis been working with, which I mentioned briefly back in May. He is one of our angel investors and advisor as an individual, not on behalf of Craigslist. The plan to have a beta in the spring. And as Jeff has blogged before, he will be looking for talent in various areas; we’re not ready to take on more folks yet but I’ll let you know when we are. And of course, we’ll post the jobs on Craigslist! In the meantime, stay tuned.

    Link zu Buzzmachine

    Craigslist and the community project is meanwhile a dinosaurier in this business, successful in some areas but not moving fast enough, new communities project growing fast and they on the fast track …

    In SF – Bay area hat es geklappt, in New York auch

    Craigslist New York, which went live five years ago, now averages 50,000 posts every weekday. Television networks regularly post ads seeking reality-TV cast members. Real-estate listings and posts for escort services are multiplying. Also: Craigslist offers posts for media jobs.

    in vielen anderen Städten und Regionen nicht!

    Im August habe ich bereits zum Media-Engagement von Craig Newmark geschrieben:

    Craigslist founder Craig Newmark says he is „getting serious“ about online news, looking at how he could launch a news Web site. Like us, he admires South Korea’s OhmyNews, written mostly by „citizen reporters“ and guided by ex-journalists.

    Goldman Sachs describes Craigslist as „a real menace“ to traditional media. First eating Classifieds in the Bay Area, New York and other places from Newspapers and still hungry.

    If media, especially news publishers would offer space and tools for user content and citizen reporter content, such a venture would be (these days) more difficult than starting Craigslist which the classic media was laughing about a long time – but not anymore!

    Ich habe die (simple) Craigslist Idea seit 5 Jahren wie Sauer-Bier hier in Deutschland angeboten und versucht ins Gespräch zu bringen – ohne Erfolg und auch für die neuen Formen vom Communities gibt es hier wenig Interessenten. News Corp., NYT und andere haben für viel Geld Communities gekauft und die „Inventars“ reichen hinten und vorne nicht um alle Anzeigenkunden zu bedienen.