
Die High-Tech Länder Europas?

laut einem Artikel von Which is the most innovative country in Europe? steht Malta an erster Stelle:

For instance Malta, a member of the European Union since May 2004, derives a greater proportion of its export revenue from high technology than any other European country, according to figures from Eurostat, the statistical service of the European Commission. High-tech goods and services accounted for 55.9 percent of Malta’s exports in 2004.

Die High-Tech Exportanteile anderen Länder sind:
Irland 29.1 %
England 22.7 %
Frankreich 20%
Deutschland 14.8%

Interssant ist ein Vergleich der Unternehmenszahlen:
Malta has fewer than 290 high-tech manufacturers (for this country, Eurostat lumps high-tech manufacturers in with makers of bulk chemicals, machinery and motor vehicles) but Italy has over 34,651 of them, making it the country with the most high-tech manufacturing companies in Europe. That’s almost twice as many as Germany, and represents 6.3 percent of the country’s total manufacturing companies.

Bei den absoluten Zahlen und dem europäischen Schnitt steht D gut da:
Of Germany’s 196,702 manufacturing companies, 19,346 or 9.8 percent were in the high-tech sector in 2002, ahead of the average of 6.3 percent for Europe’s 25 member states (although only 15 of them were members at that time the statistics were gathered).

Curiously, though, Germany’s high-tech manufacturers generated slightly less production value than their low-tech counterparts, with both categories averaging between €6 million and €7 million.

Ihr findet noch viel mehr Infos dazu im dreiseitigen Artikel. Auch Zahlen zu Forschung und Entwicklungsinvestitionen, staatlicher Unterstützung, Finanzierungsfragen, etc…

Was heisst das nun für D? Mehr High-Tech Blogs, viel mehr :-))

via O’Reilly

Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.