Naomi Moneypenny,
„Research should be defined as doing something where half the people who know about it, thinks it’s impossible. When there’s a true breakthrough, you can always go back to period in time when people said „that’s impossible‘. That means a true creative researcher needs to have ‚Confidence in Nonsense‘„. – Burt Rutan, SpaceShipOne.
Burt Rutan’s hero is Werner von Braun for his pioneering work in rocketry. Someone asked Werner von Braun once, „What is the most difficult thing about going to the moon?“ He replied, „The will to do it„. Burt adds, „The technology isn’t an issue, it’s the way people think about Space.“ For Burt, this is not an end, just a very good beginning.
Heisst die wirklich Moneypenny? Egal, guter Gedanke auf jeden Fall, den sie aus dem Netz gemeiselt hat.
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