
Freeware: Meazure, Schweizer Messer für Webdesigner

Meazure Meazure ist ein erstaunlich vielseitiges Freeware-Werkzeug für Windows: Es beherrscht Fensteraufmaß, bestimmt Winkel, Rechtecke und Pixelpostionen, ermittelt und übersetzt Farbwerte, liefert Screenshots und Zooms und spart deshalb den gleichzeitigen Einsatz vieler verschiedener Hilfsmittel oder den Start von Photoshop.

What are the dimensions of that image? How big is this window? Does this layout fit on an NTSC display? What color are these pixels? What does this icon look like close up? How can I capture an arbitrary portion of the screen? These are just a few of the questions that kept coming up as I developed applications and web pages. Various tools are available to answer some of these questions but I could not find any that answered them all or that had a usable interface. So I created Meazure, a program that measures, magnifies and captures the screen by providing a battery of features in a cohesive user interface. Even better, Meazure is free!

Measure objects on the screen such as images, windows and icons
Capture arbitrary portions of the screen
Magnify the screen up to 32X magnification
Read the color of a screen pixel in RGB, hex RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSL, YCbCr, YIQ
Display rulers anywhere on the screen
Display a grid overlay on the screen with adjustable grid spacing
Measure using a number of units including pixels, points, twips, centimeters, or user-defined
Record measurements to an XML file for later playback or external processing
Calibrate screen resolution to provide accurate measurements
Save and restore measurement tool positions using Profiles
Use predefined Profiles for common screen and video sizes such as NTSC and PAL
Configure the user interface to show only the information you need
Many more features. See the detailed context-sensitive online help
Pentium® 200 MHz processor or higher
Windows® 98 / ME / NT 4 / 2000 / XP
Note: Windows 95 is no longer supported
Internet Explorer 4.01 or above (for online Help)
32 MB memory or higher
4 MB video memory or higher
5.6 MB disk space

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Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.