Markus entdeckt die Welt der MMOPRGs und taucht ein >>
In dem Fall handelt es sich um Second Life >>
Aussgewöhnlich ist diese Idee, die mir persönlich neu und verdammt smart erscheint:
Game Developers
Do you have a great game idea? Want to build your portfolio or try out a new game on a captive audience? Or would you like to get your feet wet and see if you can create a game that’s both challenging and entertaining? Second Life is the place to be.Build in a persistent 3D digital world
Entrepreneurial economy with third-party currency exchange for real US$
Robust scripting language and physics engine powered by Havok™
In-world 3D modeling tools
Compatible with numerous middleware and file formats including Poser, Photoshop, GIMP, .wav, .bvh, .tga, and .mp3.
Diverse range of resident made games from puzzle and sports to FPSs and RPGs.And, when you create in Second Life, you can take your idea and sell it anywhere. We recognize your right to retain full intellectual property protection for the digital content you create, including characters, clothing, scripts, textures, objects and designs…. A simple yet powerful in-world scripting language lets you add behaviors and special effects to your objects. It’s easy for non-programmers to pick up – you can quickly modify object properties – edit existing scripts or attach scripts to your objects. Or, make your own scripts – lock your house with a private password, make a music box, or invent a pet that follows you around.
Zumal die Firma wert darauf legt zu betonen, dass man mit dem Spielen Geld verdienen kann (was die Profis schon längst für sich entdeckt haben und manch einer zockt und verdient weit mehr als Normalos):
Neue Stellenangebote
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) in Neckarsulm |
(Senior) Manager Online & Social Media (f/m/d) Uniper SE in Düsseldorf |
Managerin / Manager (m/w/d) International Social Media Strategy BARMER in Bundesweit |
Money you earn in Second Life’s in-world currency (Linden Dollars, L$) can be converted to cash on several third-party websites, such as Gaming Open Market or Internet Gaming Entertainment. Some of these operators offer convenient in-world „ATM“ machines to facilitate transactions. What’s a Linden Dollar worth? Take a quick look at the today’s exchange rate between L$ and US$. In addition, every month Linden Lab reinvests some of the revenue from Second Life into cash Developer Incentive awards for the most successful Residents in Second Life based on Dwell (the amount of time other Residents spend visiting your land).
Neue Stellenangebote
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) in Neckarsulm |
(Senior) Manager Online & Social Media (f/m/d) Uniper SE in Düsseldorf |
Managerin / Manager (m/w/d) International Social Media Strategy BARMER in Bundesweit |
Social Media and Communications Specialist (m/w/d) Sunrise Medical GmbH in Malsch |
(Junior) Manager Corporate Social Media (m/w/d) Philip Morris GmbH in Gräfelfing bei München |
Content & Social Media Manager in Vollzeit m/w/d COFO Entertainment GmbH & Co.KG in Passau |