
Google: Neuer Dienst Search History

Search History:

My Search History shows you all the searches you’ve done on Google and the search results you’ve clicked on, and presents this information in ways we think are most useful. If you don’t remember an exact search query, for instance, but you do remember when you did the search, you can use My Search History’s calendar feature to check the searches you did on a given day and navigate to any of them with a single click. Full-text search over your history means you can easily find any search query or results page. We also show you related history over time; you can review everything Google has ever shown you about „apples“, „bass fishing“ or „the wizard of oz,“ for instance, by clicking the „Related history“ link next to any search term when it appears.

My Search History also gives you useful info while you’re searching on Google. Next to your search results, you’ll see how many times you’ve visited a certain search result and the last time you viewed it. And if we think it will help you find what you’re looking for, we’ll grab pages you’ve already clicked on and put them above your regular web results.

Ich habs getestet (und auf die Datenschutzbedenken gepfiffen), nicht schlecht!

via Webmaster Blog

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Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.

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