

ohh Mann…. so langsam wird es übetrieben:

Das ist ein Abschnitt aus einem Blog, den man unter jedem Artikel findet.
Von Links nach Rechts:
– Technorati Tags
– Kommentare, Trackbacks, Del.Icio.Us, Spurl, Furl, Mail, Talkdigger

Fehlt noch: Flickr, Blogstats, Technorati, Blogpulse, IceRocket, LinkedIn, OpenBC, Google, Wikipedia, …

Neue Stellenangebote

Teamlead Social Media (w/d/m) 80 – 100%
Haufe Group SE in Freiburg im Breisgau
Referent*in Social Media und Marketing (d/m/w)
AZV Südholstein in Hetlingen
Praktikum/Werkstudent:in Social Media & Influencer Relations (SoSe 25)
Festool Group in Wendlingen (bei Stuttgart)

Alle Stellenanzeigen

come on, gimme more, gimme more, gimme moooore 🙂

Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.

6 Kommentare

  • Ja, langsam nimmt das wirklich Ausmaße an, die man nie für möglich gehalten hätte. Nein, dann lieber auf den ganzen Schnickschnack verzichten und sich beruhigt im Sessel zurücklehnen…

  • Hello Robert,

    You do not like it? It look like a Christmas tree, no? Heheheh, you are right, there is probably too many of them. However, I can decide which to get rid of. It is probably to make my blog look like any computer software with 300 menu items and 295 that you never use. No?

    Thank for the comment, I will consider it 😉

    Sincerely yours,


  • i believe that less is more sometimes, in that case regarding all the non-bloggers (and even many of regular blog readers and bloggers) not even knowing about that services. Indeed, i would consider the added value of each service. My question would be: How would it be without that function? Would my reader miss something absolutely important? Similar my blogroll: If i would hide it i believe that >90% of my readers wont even notice that, maybe it would distract the main focus less, so i can win more than lose 🙂

    Maybe you could dynamically show or hide that information bar (user decides)?

  • Hello Robert,

    Yup you are right on that one. I will review my strategy in the next days and get rid ( of most) of them. This is the exact reason we I get rid of the callandar on my blogs: it is of no value. Back to basic? Yup I will 😉

    Thank for that post, it was really funny to read hehehe.



  • lets see how it will feel and look if you are finished with that changes. I did it very easily: I asked my readers and in most cases i tried to follow their feedback. Maybe you should ask them too before you start? I could imagine that the reading culture in the USA/Canada is maybe different from german readers? Not sure about that.

    wish you the best 🙂

  • Heheheheh, no, I do not think that the reading cultures are differents 😉

    However, I know that some are using the furl,, email and Talk Digger icons. So it is sure that I will get rid of spurl, but for the others I will see later 😉


