war mir völlig fremd, daß Google ein sogenanntes Smart Pricing System bei AdSense kennt. Das Smart Pricing kann dazu führen, daß ein fauler Apfel im Korb (=eine Webseite) die Einnahmen pro Klick über alle Webseiten hinweg runterreissen kann. Auch wird eine „unpassendere“ Seite mit geringeren Klickpreisen auskommen müssen als eine „passende“ Webseite. Autsch!
As an example of smart pricing, consider two websites, each related to digital photography. The first page features digital camera reviews, while the second offers photography tips. Clicks from the page of photography tips might be charged less, because they are expected to convert into sales less frequently, resulting in lower value for advertisers. Google data determines that clicks from the digital camera reviews convert better, so clicks from this page are not discounted.
(Quelle: JenSense)
Und JenSense weitere über weitere Annahmen, da Google natürlich nichts Konkretes verlauten lässt:
* Smart pricing affects an entire account. It is not on a per page or per site basis.
* One poorly converting site can result in smart pricing impacting an entire account, even sites completely unrelated to the poorly converting one.
* Smart pricing is evaluated each week. So removing ads from sites you suspect are converting poorly could result in seeing an adjustment to a higher smart pricing percent in as little as a week.
* Smart pricing is tracked with a 30 day cookie, so you could be rewarded for new conversions that saw the initial click from your site up to 29 days earlier.
* Image ads are also affected by smart pricing.
* With smart pricing, an advertiser could end up paying less than their minimum bid, which would theoretically include the minimum bid price available, meaning publishers earn less for even the minimum valued clicks.
* Conversions for smart pricing publisher accounts are tracked by those advertisers who have opted into AdWords Conversion Tracking
Es kann also sehr wichtig sein, einen weiteren AdSense Account zu haben. Einen für gut performende Seiten und einen für schlecht performende Seiten, damit diese einen nicht die Guten herunterziehen. Weiteres dazu bei Problogger und Threadwatch.
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via BlogHerald