15 year old student, Tom Vendetta has been hired by search engine giant Google Inc. The student will receive a lowered salary, which will be placed into a bank account for future education, said Google CEO Larry Page. When asked what role Vendetta will play at the Tech Giant’s offices, Page said he wouldnt have a role at the Main Offices. Instead he would work from his home in the New Jersey suburbs. Vendetta will be incharge of working with recent security flaw’s in Google’s beta e-mail service, „Gmail“. Google said they first found out about him when they discovered the student’s blog, at http://tomvendetta.be. The media giant said they looked forward to working with Vendetta’s expertise in JavaScript and AJAX.
Mittlerweile hat sich Vendetta offiziell für die Ente entschuldigt:
To all the digg users, I am sorry for making you think this was true. I never intended for it to be submitted. I never intended for anyone besides my friends to find it. To google, I am sorry for making a false claim and I can only hope that this will help resolve the bug, so that no one else does something like I did, because they will end up regretting it, as I am now. I geuss all my dreams and hopes of getting a job at Google have officially been demolished. I geuss everything else has been demolished. I just tryed signing onto my aim screename, and geuss what? I got so many messages it crashed aim.exe. GREAT! To wrap things up: I AM SORRY.