Michael Arrington feiert mit seinem Techcrunch-Blog zweijähriges Jubiläum:
This is the 2,869th post on TechCrunch (a year ago we had just 884 posts, so the pace has quickened). 115,608 comments and trackbacks have been written by readers – an average of about 40 comments per post. A year ago we had 65,000 RSS readers; today we have 435,000. Page views over the last 30 days are right at 4.5 million, a little more than 2x last year’s rate. Technorati ranks TechCrunch as the 4th most linked to blog… Our sister blogs continue to grow. TechCrunch France is one of the largest French blogs, with nearly 100,000 RSS readers. CrunchGear has 50,000 RSS readers and is generating about 1 million monthly page views. They should become a top 100 blog in the next 6-8 months given their current growth rates. MobileCrunch and TechCrunch Japan continue to grow, and we will hopefully have TechCrunch UK back online soon.
Mahlzeit! Und in der Tat, er hat sich einen Status wie die Top-Medien erarbeitet, an dem keine IT Firma mehr vorbeikommt, die irgendwas mit dem Internet zu tun hat. Gratulation!
Neue Stellenangebote
Social Media Manager (d/w/m) Versicherungskammer Bayern in München |
Mitarbeiter Marketing/Social Media (m/w/d) in europaweitem Logisitkunternehmen HAPEKO Deutschland GmbH in Duisburg |
Praktikum im Personalmarketing mit Fokus Social Media (6 Monate) TARGOBANK in Düsseldorf |
Social Media Manager & Content Creator (w/m/d) Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein in Düsseldorf |
Mitarbeiter / Specialist (m/w/d) Social Media / HR Marketing (Elternzeitvertretung zwei Jahre) Flick Gocke Schaumburg in Bonn, Frankfurt am Main |
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