mehr sollen es laut Stefana Broadbent / Swisscom-Mitarbeiter und Anthropologe nicht sein, mit denen wir in einem Social Network eng kommunizieren, The 20 people we communicate with:
The close circle of contacts is composed of about 20 people: 7 in the „intimate circle“, 13 in the „close circle“. A further 37 are „weaker ties“. This core of 20 is a number that’s consistent across countries in Europe and the US. Who’s in this core? About 60% are „given“ contacts (family, schoolmates, work colleagues, neighbours), only 40% are „chosen“. If you look with whom people communicate, 3/4 of the contacts happen with the people within those 20 „core“ contacts. What does this mean? It may look obvious, you only communicate with the people you know. But to me it means: those 20 people are our (telecom operator’s) playing field.