Erstens wusste ich gar nicht, dass Amazon im Raum Seattle bereits einen eigenen Auslieferservice namens „Amazon Fresh“ testweise betreibt:
Ist vergleichbar mit dem, was hierzulande BoFrost und Eismann anbieten.
Zweitens, CommonCraft schreibt, dass Amazon womöglich den Auslieferungsservice über eine eigene Fahrzeugflotte auf Non-Food ausdehnen wird: Amazon Fresh – Now Home Delivering Top Items
So war es mir möglich, unter der gleichen Amazon Fresh-Oberfläche (jeweils gleiche Subdomain:…) auch Non-Food Waren zu ordern und in den gemeinsamen Warenkorb zu legen (was noch lange nicht heißen muss, dass die Waren mit dem gleichen LKW ausgeliefert werden):
Was darüber hinaus cool ist, erkennt man an der Möglichkeit, genaue Annahmezeiten definieren zu können:
Man kann getrennte Termine (Uhrzeit/Tag) angeben, ob man die Waren vor die Tür gelegt bekommen will oder aber persönlich annehmen wird.
Hat jemand mehr Infos?
Update: Ich sehe gerade in der Fresh-Help folgende, aufklärende Hinweise:
5. What is the relationship between AmazonFresh and
Although founded AmazonFresh, AmazonFresh operates as an independent grocery delivery business. We’ve created a new web site to showcase our fantastic products and make your buying experience easy. We use data and systems to simplify your checkout process and get you shopping right away.
All of us here at AmazonFresh have adopted the same spirit of service, quality, value, and innovation that you have come to expect from And we are working hard, every day, to exceed your expectations. Your feedback on our service is welcome, and greatly appreciated.
6. I see Items appearing on AmazonFresh. How does that work?
We’ve recently added the capability to see items on AmazonFresh so that customers have a wider selection from which to choose. In some cases, an item may be available from, but not available through AmazonFresh–such as the latest Barefoot Contessa cookbook. Clicking on an item when you are shopping on AmazonFresh will open a new browser window at where you can complete your transaction. items will ship from (or from a third-party seller listed on and the items will appear in your order history on
Your AmazonFresh shopping session will be unchanged by clicking on an item. All of the items previously in your shopping cart will still be there and your slot, if you’ve chosen one, will still be reserved for you. You cannot combine the contents of your cart with your AmazonFresh cart, and items do not count toward the order minimums on AmazonFresh. You will also not see items appearing in Past Purchases or in your order history on AmazonFresh. All management of these items–payment, package tracking, etc.–will happen through
Die Auslieferung erfolgt also getrennt, wenn man Non-Food bestellt, allerdings weist Punkt 5 bereits darauf hin, dass Amazon oW die Auslieferung auch ausdehnen könnte. Spannend! So oder so. Denn, BoFrost und Eismann wird das mal gar nicht freuen!