In einer Umfrage wurden Web-User, Designer und NonProfits befragt, wie wichtig ihnen Design, Orientierung, Textinhalte etc. sind. Dabei ergaben sich naturgemäß einige Abweichungen. Siehe Finding Information: Factors that improve online experiences (.pdf)
So heißt es u.a.:
While designers focus on complex functionality and organizations focus on good visual design, web site visitors are looking for simple, accurate, fast, and easily navigable web sites, preferably with links to information they seek. A significant number of comments revolved around the need for speedy access, including but not limited to download speed, in order to find the information visitors are looking for. Only a handful of designers and organizations mentioned speed of access (including download speed) as a critical element of site design. Since the importance of speed of access was not a question on the survey, the results were gathered from information typed in the comment field by the respondents. Even in a broadband age, visitors value fast sites, both those that are fast loading and those that quickly deliver sought-after information
Etwas, das Google extrem wichtig ist. Denn, gerade wer eine Seite regelmäßig nutzt, will nicht Zeit mit unnötiger Warterei verplempern, die ihm nix bringt.
Neue Stellenangebote
Social Media Manager*in (m/w/d) Walser Immobiliengruppe in München |
Marketing Manager – Social Media / PR / CRM (m/w/d) ox8 Corporate Finance GmbH in Frankfurt am Main |
Social Media Assistant (m/w/d) RPZ Rheinische Pilz-Zentrale GmbH in Geldern |
via Dr Weblog
Neue Stellenangebote
Social Media Manager*in (m/w/d) Walser Immobiliengruppe in München |
Marketing Manager – Social Media / PR / CRM (m/w/d) ox8 Corporate Finance GmbH in Frankfurt am Main |
Social Media Assistant (m/w/d) RPZ Rheinische Pilz-Zentrale GmbH in Geldern |
Grafik Designer / Social Media Content Producer (m/w/d) Antenne Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG in Garching |
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) bayme vbm vbw – Die bayerische Wirtschaft in München |
Social Media Expert m/w/d Consist Software Solutions GmbH in Kiel, Frankfurt, bundesweit, Home-Office |