Chad Kroski ist international im Web angekommen, bei
Who the heck is Chad Kroski?… We were doing some serious head-scratching when we saw the name Chad Kroski rise from obscurity to the likes of Pat Robertson on Technorati’s top-ten search list this morning. A Google search turned up almost 90,000 mostly German language results, which only fueled our curiosity about this Kroski character. Thankfully, Wikipedia set us straight by explaining that Mr. Kroski is nothing but a fictitious character popularized by a German T-Mobile TV commercial and some creative bloggers.
Neue Stellenangebote
Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Employer Branding (Schwerpunkt Social Media) Continentale Krankenversicherung a.G. in Dortmund |
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) Kyberg Vital GmbH in Unterhaching |
Referent Marketing – Kommunikation / Social Media / IT Branche (m/w/d) mbi GmbH in Wetzlar |
Social Media Manager/in / Content Creator/in / (m/w/d) Vollzeit | Teilzeit | Nebenjob – Homeoffice möglich – Mehrere Positionen verfügbar 350PPM Biotech GmbH in Deutschland, Bundesweit |
Mitarbeiterin/einen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für den Bereich Social Media/Content-Creation Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz in Speyer |
Praktikum/Werkstudententätigkeit Videoerstellung und Social Media (SoSe 25) Festool Group in Wendlingen (bei Stuttgart) |