
Kroatische Blogosphere

der „Nico“ der kroatischen Blogosphere Dalibor und wie sich das Blogportal entwickelt hat (Quelle: Kommentar im BasicThinking Blog). Und es liest sich gut, die Entwicklung. Deutschland dagegen, der schlafende Blog-Riese?

Well, we are approaching very fast to some 40.000 users ( statistic only for, biggest and most popular blog service that appeals with basic functionality read/write but has a community-citizen- journalism concept with button in blog editor: Send to the Editors )

We have about 90.000 daily (!) unique visitors on ( yestreday was all time peak of 97.000 of them ) . I do not count those bloggers on, LiveJournal or WordPress, or some smaller croatian blogging services. ( those are about 5.000 )

For small Croatia it’s a big number. And it all started in May 2004. The curve of popularisation in writing and reading blogs is very steep.

Have a look at Loic’s wiki.

There are some estimates about 45.000 croatian blogs which makes it 11th country in Europe by apsolute terms, and in relative terms ( compared to population ) it makes 6th country in Europe by 1.01 %.

Blogosphere in Croatia is mainstream since it’s every day that it is making citizen news, often revealing. The whole concept of is as a citizen journalism accepted and percieved. Every user writes and if he thinks has a hot news to blog, put it in the channel to the editor.

The president reads blogs ( even has favorite blogger ) , many famouse politicians and many croatian majors have a blog. ( the major of Zagreb Bandic has a blog, the major of Sisak has a blog- Davorko Vidovic). Many prominent people maintain blogs, but many more are silent lurkers or anonymouse. Last week prominent publishing house published an editions of poems who were first published and discovered on For many, can be perfect incubator and publicity to show their creativity and talent. Some musicians, like Umorni Konj, with help of viral blogging commmunity, made it number one in national alternative/demo chart.

Blogs in Croatia are common place.
Not only in Croatia by our people. Many born Croats who live outside of Croatia ( diaspora ), maintains blogs, and blog enable them connections with their ancestors. It is my estimate that about 40 % incoming traffic comes from those countries where many Croats are living ( USA, Australia, Canada, German ).

Croatia is changing, specially , in terms of digital culture.
And, all that is said, by the blog insider ;))

Kroatien hat ca. 4.4 Mio Einwohner. Sprich: Über 1%-2% der Bevölkerung hat rein rechnerisch ein Blog bzw. hat bzw. schon mal eines aufgemacht.

Auffällig ist, daß das Blogportal sehr community-driven ist und dementsprechend spiegelt sich das auch auf der Startseite wieder: zentrale Nachrichten vom Bloganbieter mit Einbindung zahlreicher Blogartikel (wie eine Art Medienspiegel), Bilder, spannende Blogartikel links und rechts in der Sidebar, etc… alles aus der Community heraus. Prima!

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Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.