
PingMag – interessantes Blog

PingMag gehört zur japanischen Webfirma IMG SRC, die momentane Kampagne dreht sich darum, daß man die Mitarbeiter vin IMG SRC vorstellt:

We hope you enjoy our „€œpatient dogs“€? series of articles, starting from today! From Tuesday 27th December to Friday 6th January we will be featuring a different member of the IMG SRC team each day to hear their thoughts on PingMag, their New Year plans, and also to get them to make an origami dog for us.

PingMag ist an sich ein Wegmagazin:

PingMag is a web magazine about art, design, technology, and more. It is based entirely on our own personal likes and interests, and we hope it will be built up, and expanded on, by thoughts and comments posted by you, our readers. Our interests are broad. We might write about how design in business has an influence on finance, or about an unknown underground artist, about the cutting-edge of medical technological design, or the craftsmanship in a small back-street engineering works. All of these are things that get us excited. And the magazine will be updated with daily, weekly and monthly columns, so there will be something new for you to explore every day. It“€™s a small project, entirely payed for out of IMG SRC“€™s pocket money, but if PingMag can provide even a little bit of inspiration to people out there „€˜making things“€™, then that will make us happy.

Das Blog ist lesenswert und sehr kreativ in seiner Art, vaD der Beitrag, wie man eine Webseite plant und erstellt

Neue Stellenangebote

Growth Marketing Manager:in – Social Media
GOhiring GmbH in Homeoffice
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) in der Nähe von Rosenheim
Schön Klinik Vogtareuth GmbH & Co. KG in Vogtareuth
Social Media Advertising Manager (w/m/d)
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG in Karlsruhe, hybrid

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Wer also ein Beispiel braucht, was eine Webagentur mit einem Blog alles anstellen kann, bitteschön, da habts ihr eins.

via ???

Über den Autor

Robert Basic

Robert Basic ist Namensgeber und Gründer von BASIC thinking und hat die Seite 2009 abgegeben. Von 2004 bis 2009 hat er über 12.000 Artikel hier veröffentlicht.